Attractive Options

Name Attractive Options
Sources (Egelman, 2009)
Synonyms None
Context When displaying critical warnings, if multiple options are presented to the user, the recommended option should allow the user to complete the primary task. If only one option is presented (e.g. an acknowledgement), this becomes unnecessary because the user does not need to choose among several options.
Problem Users may read the options presented to them by a critical warning, but may not choose the recommended option because they either did not understand the threat or did not believe the recommended option would help them complete their primary task.
Solution This error may be prevented by creating recommended options that appear conducive to completing the primary task. Additionally, labels on warning options should underscore the threat model so that if the user does not read anything else, she still understands the danger of ignoring the warning.
Examples The phishing warning recommends that users “search for the real website.” This text facilitates completion of the primary task by helping the user locate the website she was initially trying to visit, as well as underscoring the threat model: she is currently visiting a fraudulent website.Example Source: (Egelman, 2009)
Implementation For critical warnings that contain multiple options, the recommended option should use wording that appears conducive to completing the primary task. This wording should also underscore the threat that the warning is attempting to guard against.
Consequences If a user does not think that the recommended option will allow the completion of a primary task, she will not be motivated to obey the warning. Additionally, if the user does not read any other parts of the warning, she will still need to read the options in order to dismiss the warning. Therefore, the options should underscore the threat so that there is additional motivation to take the recommended option.
Dependencies None
Relationships [Active Warnings]
[General Notifications About Security]
[Failing Safely]
[Immediate Options]
[Providing Recommendations]
Principles [Path of Least Resistance]
Guidelines [Warning Design Guidelines (Item 3)]
Check lists None
Use cases None
Tags Attractive Options, Active Warnings, Failing Safely, Warnings, Notifications
Log history [12/21/2015]: Added to repository


Egelman, S., 2009. Trust me: Design patterns for constructing trustworthy trust indicators. ProQuest.