Complete Delete

Name Complete Delete
Sources (Garfinkel, 2005)
Synonyms None
Context Frequently deleting information does not erase all of the copies in the computer: hidden data remains from which the user’s desire to erase information can be subverted.
Problem How to ensure that information that is deleted cannot be recovered?
Solution Ensure that when the user deletes the visible representation of something, the hidden representations are deleted as well.
Examples Apple implements Complete Delete, albeit poorly, in the MacOS 10.3 “Secure Empty Trash” command. Microsoft’s Cipher.exe command can be used to overwrite slack space. Example Source: (Garfinkel, 2005)
Implementation Complete Delete is implemented by determining what information stored in the computer system corresponds to the user’s notion of the object being deleted, then overwriting the storage media that holds that information so that the data cannot be recovered. While Complete Delete cannot be implemented for information that is stored offline, the results of Complete Delete can be achieved by encrypting offline information and then using Complete Delete to erase the encryption key.
Consequences Prevents forensic analysis from being able to recover information that has been intentionally deleted. Forces designers and organizations to clearly articulate their strategy for maintaining backups and who has access to that information.
Dependencies None
Relationships [Delayed Unrecoverable Action]
[Explicit Item Delete]
Principles [Least Surprise]
Guidelines None
Check lists None
Use cases None
Tags Complete Delete, Unrecoverable Action, Explicit Item Delete, Confidentiality
Log history [12/21/2015]: Added to repository


Garfinkel, S.L., 2005. Design principles and patterns for computer systems that are simultaneously secure and usable (PhD thesis). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.