Key Continuity Management

Name Key Continuity Management
Sources (Garfinkel, 2005)
Synonyms None
Context Many SSL and S/MIME certificates in use today are not signed by well-known certificate authorities (CA). As a result, SSL clients such as Internet Explorer and S/MIME clients such as Outlook Express display errors.
Problem How to avoid error messages shown by many SSL clients?
Solution Use digital certificates that are self-signed or signed by unknown CAs for some purpose that furthers secure usability, rather than ignoring them entirely. This, in turns, makes possible the use of automatically created self-signed certificates created by individuals or organizations that are unable or unwilling to obtain certificates from well-known certification authorities.
Examples Tracking of server keys in SSH clients. Example Source: (Garfinkel, 2005)
Implementation When certificates are received in the course of authentication and the certificates are not signed by a recognized CA, the system verifies the signature, then consults a local database of identities. If the identity is not present, the identity and the certificate are added. If the identity is present and the certificate on file for that identity is different, a warning is issued. When an identity is received that is not digitally certified and the identity is on file with a matching certificate, a warning is issued.
Consequences Allows certificates that are self-signed or signed by unknown certificate authority to be used in a way that proves continuity of identity.
Dependencies None
Relationships [Track Received Keys]
[Create Keys When Needed]
Principles [Good Security Now]
Guidelines None
Check lists None
Use cases None
Tags Key Continuity Management, Track Received Keys, Key Management, Create Keys When Needed, Authenticity
Log history [01/18/2016]: Added to repository


Garfinkel, S.L., 2005. Design principles and patterns for computer systems that are simultaneously secure and usable (PhD thesis). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.