Migrate and Backup Keys

Name Migrate and Backup Keys
Sources (Garfinkel, 2005)
Synonyms None
Context Today it is extremely difficult to move secret keys and other authentication tokens from one device to another. As a result, some users do not use the security features that these systems provide for fear of losing control of their assets. Other users are not aware of the danger and live with the risk without realization. If keys are going to be automatically created, they must be automatically migrated to all of a user’s relevant devices and backed up in a systematic fashion.
Problem How to prevent users from losing their valuable secret keys?
Solution Password protected Migration or Backup of Keys.
Examples Apple’s iSync 2.0 in MacOS 10.4 automatically synchronizes KeyChain databases between multiple Macintosh computers. Example Source: (Garfinkel, 2005)
Implementation One way to migrate keys is by storing them inside the mail repository itself—for example, they can be stored in a hidden directory on the IMAP server. Alternatively, keys created on a POP/SMTP client can be sent to the user’s own email address, so that they will automatically be made available to other POP clients that share the same inbox. Such keys can be protected by a password to achieve security from the administrators of the mail system.
Consequences Important information is distributed to where it is needed and backed up so that it will not be lost.
Dependencies None
Relationships [Create Keys When Needed]
Principles [Convenience]
Guidelines None
Check lists None
Use cases None
Tags Migrate and Backup Keys, Create Keys When Needed, Key Management, Authentication, Accessibility, Availability, Fail Safety, Error Prevention, Support
Log history [01/18/2016]: Added to repository


Garfinkel, S.L., 2005. Design principles and patterns for computer systems that are simultaneously secure and usable (PhD thesis). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.