Redundant Notifications

Name Redundant Notifications
Sources (Muñoz-Arteaga et al., 2009)
Synonyms None
Context Some users need redundant information about the internal state of the system.
Problem How to maintain users informed about some detected threat?
Solution The users could be notified through messages, images, real world metaphors, combination of colors, among other visual feedback which stand visible through user considers the suggestions provided.
Examples In this case we present the notification of “guess” threat detection, using colors, text messages, images, and dialogues.Multiple examples Source: (Muñoz-Arteaga et al., 2009)
Implementation Use messages, images, real world metaphors, combination of colors inside notifications.
Consequences Showing redundant notifications (in restraint) the users will be correctly informed about some detected threat.
Dependencies None
Relationships [Immediate Notifications]
[General Notifications About Security]
Principles [Understandability]
Guidelines None
Check lists None
Use cases None
Tags Redundant Notifications, Immediate Notifications, General Notifications About Security, Support
Log history [12/21/2015]: Added to repository


Muñoz-Arteaga, J., González, R.M., Martin, M.V., Vanderdonckt, J., Álvarez-Rodriguez, F., Calleros, J.G., 2009. A method to design information security feedback using patterns and hCI-security criteria, in: Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces VI. Springer London, pp. 283–294. doi:10.1007/978-1-84882-206-1_26