Security Features Used by the System

Name Security Features Used by the System
Sources (Muñoz-Arteaga et al., 2009)
Synonyms None
Context The interface must notify users about the security technologies activated by the system to protect confidential information during a specific transaction. These notifications must be shown avoiding complicate sentences, and the use of technical terms.
Problem How to inform users about the security features used by the system during an information transaction?
Solution Users could be notified by means of a specific panel that shows active and non-active security technologies.
Examples Notification about the active security scheme’s elements using a specific panel and logotypes.Example Source: (Muñoz-Arteaga et al., 2009)
Implementation Use simple text messages without technical terms supported by images, pictures or other visual notifications.
Consequences It is possible to increase trust in some system, if users are informed about the technologies used by the system to keep secure all the confidential information.
Dependencies None
Relationships [Security Features Used by the User]
[Systems Security Tasks]
Principles [Consistent Meaningful Vocabulary]
Guidelines None
Check lists None
Use cases None
Tags Security Features Used by the System, Security Features Used by the User, Systems Security Tasks
Log history [12/21/2015]: Added to repository


Muñoz-Arteaga, J., González, R.M., Martin, M.V., Vanderdonckt, J., Álvarez-Rodriguez, F., Calleros, J.G., 2009. A method to design information security feedback using patterns and hCI-security criteria, in: Computer-Aided Design of User Interfaces VI. Springer London, pp. 283–294. doi:10.1007/978-1-84882-206-1_26