Warn When Unsafe

Name Warn When Unsafe
Sources (Garfinkel, 2005)
Synonyms None
Context Some systems arrive in an unsafe configuration and must be made safe. Sometimes a configuration is made intentionally unsafe in order to perform a specific operation. Warn When Unsafe periodically reminds the user to restore the safe configuration.
Problem How to inform users about insecure system configurations?
Solution Periodically warn of unsafe configurations or actions.
Examples The Windows XP SP2 Security Center reminds users when antivirus has been disabled. Clicking on the reminder brings up the antivirus control panel. Intuit’s Quicken warns users when the database has not been backed in several days and provides a button which, if clicked, will perform the backup. Example Source: (Garfinkel, 2005)
Implementation Systems that currently implement Warn When Unsafe appear to have each unsafe condition specially coded and monitored. A more systematic approach would allow each subsystem to register unsafe conditions with a system-wide monitor that notifies the user in a systematic fashion. It is important to limit the frequency of warnings so that the user does not become habituated to them.
Consequences Users who forget about unsafe conditions are reminded to correct them.
Dependencies None
Relationships [Attractive Options]
[Immediate Notifications]
[Conveying Threats & Consequences]
[General Notifications About Security]
[Immediate Options]
[Separating Content]
Principles [Provide Standardized Security Policies]
Guidelines None
Check lists None
Use cases None
Tags Warn When Unsafe, Attracticve Options, Immediate Notifications, Conveying Threats & Consequences, Immediate Options, Separating Content, General Notifications About Security, Warnings
Log history [12/21/2015]: Added to repository


Garfinkel, S.L., 2005. Design principles and patterns for computer systems that are simultaneously secure and usable (PhD thesis). Massachusetts Institute of Technology.