Principles are based on scientific sources.
Name | Expertise |
Sources | (Chiasson et al., 2007) |
Synonyms | None |
Intent | Incorporating signs of expertise such as experience, knowledge, and competence to gain credibility with the users. |
Motivation | Persuasive technology (Fogg, 2002) is a new area of human-computer interaction that looks at how computers can motivate and influence users to behave in a desired way. Motivating users to behave securely is a commonly cited goal in computer security and as such, persuasive technology may provide valuable insight into how to design better security interfaces. |
Examples | None |
Guidelines | None |
Tags | None |
Log history | [02/14/2016]: Added to repository [04/22/2016]: Deleted “Principle of” |
Chiasson, S., Biddle, R., Somayaji, A., 2007. Even Experts Deserve Usable Security: Design guidelines for security management systems, in:.
Fogg, B.J., 2002. Persuasive technology: Using computers to change what we think and do. Ubiquity. doi:10.1145/764008.763957