Principles are based on scientific sources.
Name | Self-awareness |
Sources | (Yee, 2002) |
Synonyms | None |
Intent | Maintain accurate awareness of the user’s own authority to access resources. |
Motivation | Users are part of their own mental models which influences their decisions on access rights. This is because these decisions depend on the users understanding of their own access rights. Unexpected risks may occur when users overestimate their authority (Cranor and Garfinkel, 2005). |
Examples | None |
Guidelines | None |
Tags | None |
Log history | [07/12/2016]: Added to repository |
Cranor, L., Garfinkel, S., 2005. Security and usability: Designing secure systems that people can use. O’Reilly Media.
Yee, K.-P., 2002. User interaction design for secure systems, in: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS ’02. Springer-Verlag, London, UK, UK, pp. 278–290.