
Name Understandability
Sources (Furnell et al., 2006)
Synonyms Understandable
Intent Options and descriptions should be presented in a manner that is meaningful to the intended user population.
Motivation Security offers a great deal of potential for the use of technical terminology and other jargon, but this could easily come at the cost of excluding a proportion of the users. Sufficient help and support should be available to assist novices to achieve the level of security that they need.
Examples None
Guidelines Design guidelines for security management systems
Designing Graphical Authentication Mechanism Interfaces
Guidelines used to redesign warnings
Recommendations for improving the design of phishing indicators
Usable set-up of security policies
Warning Design Guidelines
Tags Accessibility
Log history [02/14/2016]: Added to repository
[04/22/2016]: Updated name from “Understandable”
[07/11/2016]: Added “Understandable” as synonym


Furnell, S.M., Jusoh, A., Katsabas, D., 2006. The challenges of understanding and using security: A survey of end-users. Computers & Security 25. doi:10.1016/j.cose.2005.12.004